Master Sai Hande, a 3-year-old boy, is suffering from short stature due to growth hormone deficiency. His family, with a limited income, is unable to afford the crucial treatment that costs Rs. 8,250 per month, totaling Rs. 99,000 annually for the next two years.
Sai’s treatment requires regular adjustments based on his weight, with the dosage revised every three months. This financial strain is beyond what his father, a local hotel worker earning Rs. 6,000 per month, can manage.
Your support through Anekaa Care Foundation can help cover these essential medical expenses, providing Sai with the treatment he needs for healthy growth and development.
Your financial support will ensure Sai can continue his education without the constant worry of tuition fees.
Share Sai's story with your network to increase awareness and gather more support for his education.
Contributions toward books, uniforms, and other school supplies will give Sai the tools he needs to succeed.