Urgent Appeal

A Ray of Hope for Muntaha Ansari
Help Required

Rs. 19,850

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Donation Total: ₹3,750.00

Muntaha Ansari is a bright 6-year-old girl living in the slums of Kurla Quresh Nagar with her family. She is one of six members in her household, which includes her mother and four siblings. Recently, tragedy struck when Muntaha’s father, the sole breadwinner of the family, passed away unexpectedly due to a heart attack.

In the wake of this devastating loss, Muntaha’s mother has taken on work as a maid in nearby areas, striving to support her family. Muntaha’s elder brother, who is in his first year of college, and her other siblings who attend a local BMC school, are all trying to cope with the sudden financial strain. Muntaha herself is currently in Senior Kindergarten at our school, but her education is now at risk.

Coming from an economically disadvantaged background, Muntaha’s family has been hit hard by the loss of their father. His sudden death has not only plunged the family into deep grief but also into severe financial hardship. The mother, despite her best efforts, earns only ₹5,000 to ₹6,000 per month, which is barely enough to cover the basic needs of the family. Faced with overwhelming challenges, Muntaha’s elder brother is considering leaving his studies to help support the family.

Despite her hard work, Muntaha’s mother is unable to make ends meet. In a desperate attempt to reduce expenses, she made the heartbreaking decision to withdraw Muntaha from our school, as she could no longer afford the fees. With a heavy heart, she informed the school of her decision, knowing that it would mean a lost opportunity for her daughter’s future.

When Muntaha stopped attending school and her family stopped answering calls, her teacher grew concerned. A home visit revealed the tragic circumstances the family was facing, including the sudden death of Muntaha’s father and the severe financial difficulties that followed. After a compassionate conversation and assurances that the school would support Muntaha’s education, her mother agreed to allow her to continue attending school. The school has provided Muntaha with the necessary study materials, but we now seek your help to ensure she can continue her education for the upcoming academic year 2024-25.

Your compassion can be the light that guides them through this dark time.


Your donation can cover Muntaha’s school fees, ensuring she doesn’t have to drop out and miss out on a brighter future.

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Contributing towards books, uniforms, and other educational resources will enable Muntaha to continue learning without any obstacles.

Joining Hands To Help The Needy

We Need Your Support

Urgent Appeal

Taha Khan’s Education
Help Required


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Donation Total: ₹3,750.00

Taha Khan is a young, eager learner studying in Sr. KG, but his family is facing overwhelming challenges. Taha’s family consists of five members, including his parents and two sisters. His father works as a laborer at a construction site, earning a modest income of ₹12,000 to ₹15,000 per month. His mother, who is battling cancer, is unable to work, and the financial burden of her treatment consumes most of the family’s income. Taha’s sisters, who attend a nearby BMC school, help take care of the household, as their mother is too ill to manage.

The family lives in the slums of Kurla Qureshi Nagar, where poverty adds another layer of hardship to their lives. Despite their struggles, Taha’s parents enrolled him in a reputable school, hoping to give him a brighter future. However, the reality of school fees and additional expenses quickly became overwhelming. Unable to afford the costs, they were forced to borrow money, further increasing their debt burden.

Faced with the harsh reality of their situation, Taha’s parents made the heartbreaking decision to withdraw him from school in the middle of the academic year. This decision left young Taha devastated, as he had grown attached to his friends, teachers, and the school environment.

Your kindness can light the way for a child's future.


Your financial support will ensure Taha can continue his education without the constant worry of tuition fees.

Spread The Word

Share Taha’s story with your network to increase awareness and gather more support for his education.

Offer Encouragement

Contributions toward books, uniforms, and other school supplies will give Taha the tools he needs to succeed.

Joining Hands To Help The Needy

We Need Your Support

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